- desktop publishing system
- настольная издательская система
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
desktop publishing system — stalinė leidybos sistema statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Kompiuteris su specialia ↑programine įranga spaudiniams rengti. Tai nedidelė leidybos sistema, kuria galima tvarkyti įvairią ↑tekstinę, ↑grafinę, skaitinę informacija, ją maketuoti … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Desktop publishing system — Настольная (электронная) издательская система … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
desktop publishing — Computers. the design and production of publications by means of specialized software enabling a microcomputer to generate typeset quality text and graphics. Also called computer aided publishing. * * * the use of a personal computer to… … Universalium
desktop publishing — n. a system or process for designing, editing, and producing camera ready documents, as newsletters, brochures, or magazines, using a microcomputer, special software, and a printer … English World dictionary
Desktop publishing — Electronic publication redirects here. For electronic publications, see Digital media. Scribus, an open source desktop publishing application Desktop publishing (also known as DTP) is the creation of documents using page layout software on a… … Wikipedia
desktop publishing (DTP) — Use of a personal computer to perform publishing tasks. DTP allows an individual to combine text, numerical data, and graphic elements in a document that can be output on a printer or a phototypesetter. A typical DTP system includes a personal… … Universalium
Comparison of desktop publishing software — The following is a comparison of major desktop publishing software. The comparison only discusses notable software in this field. Contents 1 General Information 2 Operating System Compatibility 3 Import Capabilities … Wikipedia
Drucktechnik: Von der Bleiletter zum Desktop-Publishing — Bis die manuelle Bleisatztechnik auf der Basis von Gutenbergs Erfindung durch den maschinellen Satz abgelöst wurde, vergingen über vierhundert Jahre. Die maschinelle Satzherstellung wiederum hatte, bis auf geringfügige Modifikationen, über… … Universal-Lexikon
List of desktop publishing software — The following is a list of major desktop publishing software. A wide range of related software tools exist in this field, including many plug ins and tools related to the applications listed below. Several software directories provide more… … Wikipedia
system — sys|tem [ sıstəm ] noun *** 1. ) count a set of connected things that work together for a particular purpose: a central heating system I decided to install a security system to prevent any break ins. the capital s inadequate public transportation … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
system */*/*/ — UK [ˈsɪstəm] / US noun Word forms system : singular system plural systems 1) [countable] a set of connected things that work together for a particular purpose a central heating system I decided to install a security system after the shop was… … English dictionary